Maurice White, ,Philip Bailey、 Verdine White,
Ralph Johnson,Seldon Reynolds, Robert Brookins,
David Whitworth, Larry Dunn, Roland Bautisuta,
Ronnie Laws, Al Mckay, Johnny Graham, Andrew Woolfolk,
Jessica Gleaves, Sherry Scott,Fred White,
Louis Satterfield, Don Myrick, Sonny Emory,
Rahmlee Michael Davies, Freddie Ravel, David Romeo,      Paul Minor, Morris Plesure, Mike McKnight,
Gordon Campbell, Ray Brown, Gary Bias,ReggieYoung,    John Paris, Myron McKinley, Bobby Gonzales,
Greg Moore, Vadim Zilberstein, Bobby Burns Jr,
  Wade Flemons, Krystal Bailey, Kimberly Johnson,
    Don Whitehead, Michael Beal, Leslie Dayton,
Alex Thomas, Chester Washington, Yakov Ben Israel,
  Michael Harris, Elmar Brown,Daniel de los Reyes,
   Devoted Spirits, Urban Knights, Audio Cavia、
        The Salty Peppers






ドラムのSonny EmoryUrban Knightsの正式メンバーというのは嬉しい限り。

これだけEWFのメンバーが参加していてMaurice Whiteがプロデュースしているのに

Maurice White, Sonny Emory, Sheldon Reynolds, Bill Meyers,
Morris Plesure, Verdine White

Sheldon Reynoldsの声がバックに聴けるのもEWFファンには涙もの・・・

Maurice Whiteが関わっていない。

Ramsey LewisがGRPからNarada Jazzにレーベルを移籍したのが大きな理由なんだろうけど・・・

Maurice と Ramsey のコンビネーションがこのグループの一番の魅力だったと俺は思うんだけどなぁ・・・

1. Scirroco
( M White, B Meyers)
2. Get Up
(F Lewis, R Lewis, K Randolph)
3. Come Dance with Me
(F Lewis, K Randolph, K Boyd)
4. South African Jam
(Jonathan Batler)
5. Brazilian Rain
(Morris Plesure, Sonny Emory)
6. Interlude #1
(R Lewis)
7. Summer Nights
( B Meyers, M White,J Randolph )
8. Tell Me Why
( B Meyers, K Williams, Jonathan Batler )
9. Urban Paradise
(F Lewis, R Lewis, K Randolph)
10. Drama
(R Hawkins, S Jones U, J Cornwell, K Guillaume)
11. Step by Step
(F Lewis, R Lewis, K Randolph)
12. Promise
( M White, B Meyers, R Vanelli)
13. Interlude #2
(R Lewis)

14. Dawn ※アメリカ版未収録
( J Randolph )

Urban Knights Are・・・
Ramsey Lewis
Gerald Albright
Jonathan Butler
Sonny Emory

1. On the Radio

Acoustic Piano/ Ramsey Lewis
Guitar Solo/ Jonathan Butler
Rhythm Guitar/ Sheldon Reynolds
Bass/ Morris Plesure
Drums/ Sonny Emory
Drum Progrmming/ Jimi Randolph
Synthesizers/ Bill Meyers

2. Get Up

Soprano Saxphone & Flute/ Najee
Guitar / Jonathan Butler
Keyboards/ Mike Logan
Keyboards and Synth Bass/ Kevin Randolph
Drums/ Sonny Emory
Drum Progrmming/ Lambert Anthony
Percussion/ Tony Carpenter
Bass/ Chuck Webb
Background Vocals/ Jonathan Butler, Karen Boyd, Theresa Davis, Chrystle Barrett

3. Come Dance with Me

Lead Vocal & Guitar/ Jonathan Butler
Lead Vocals/ Maggie Brown
Saxphone/ Najee
Keyboards and Synth Bass/ Kevin Randolph
Keyboards/ Frayne Lewis
Drum Progrmming/ Lambert Anthony
Background Vocals/ Karen Boyd, Theresa Davis, Chrystle Barrett

4. South African Jam

Lead Vocal & Guitar/ Jonathan Butler
Bass/ Verdine White
Drums/ Sonny Emory
Percussion/ Paulinho Da Costa
Fender Rhodes & Synths/ Bill Meyers
Background Vocals/ Maurice White, Bill Meyers, Sheldon Reynolds, Jonathan Butler

5. Brazilian Rain

Acoustic Piano/ Ramsey Lewis
Guitar / Jonathan Butler
Bass/ Morris Plesure
Drums/ Sonny Emory
Percussion/ Paulinho Da Costa
Fender Rhodes , Synths & Strings Arrangement/ Bill Meyers
Background Vocals/ Sheldon Reynolds, Valerie Pinkston Mayo, Carl Carwell

6. Interlude #1

Piano/ Ramsey Lewis

7. Summer Nights

Acoustic Piano/ Ramsey Lewis
Soprano Saxophone/ Gerald Albright
Guitar / Jonathan Butler
Bass/ Morris Plesure
Drums/ Sonny Emory
Percussion/ Paulinho Da Costa
Synths & Strings Arrangement/ Bill Meyers

8. Tell Me Why

Lead Vocal & Guitar/ Jonathan Butler
Drums/ Sonny Emory
Percussion/ Paulinho Da Costa
Synths, Bass & Fender Rhodes Synthesizer/ Bill Meyers
Background Vocals/ Sheldon Reynolds, Valerie Pinkston Mayo, Carl Carwell

9. Urban Paradise

Electric Piano/ Ramsey Lewis
Keyboards/ Frayne Lewis
Keyboards / Kevin Randolph
Drum Progrmming/ Lambert Anthony

10. Drama

Lead Vocal & Guitar/ Jonathan Butler
Bass/ Verdine White
Drums/ Sonny Emory
Fender Rhodes & Synths/ Bill Meyers
Background Vocals/ Sheldon Reynolds, Valerie Pinkston Mayo, Carl Carwell
Vocal Arrangement/ Ralph Hawkins,Jr,& Kevin Guillaume

11. Step by Step

Piano/ Ramsey Lewis
Guitar/ Jonathan Butler
Keyboards and Synth Bass/ Kevin Randolph
Drums/ Sonny Emory
Drum Progrmming/ Lambert Anthony
Percussion/ Tony Carpenter
Bass/ Chuck Webb

12. Promise

Piano/ Ramsey Lewis
Soprano Saxophone/ Gerald Albright
Guitar / Jonathan Butler
Bass/ Morris Plesure
Drums/ Sonny Emory
Percussion/ Paulinho Da Costa
Synths & Strings Arrangement/ Bill Meyers

13. Interlude #2

Piano/ Ramsey Lewis

14. Dawn

Piano Solo/ Ramsey Lewis
Guitar / Jonathan Butler
Bass/ Verdine White
Drums/ Sonny Emory
Fender Rhodes / Bill Meyers
Synthesizers/ Jimi Randolph

posted by Kaolu E at 01:16| Comment(2) | TrackBack(0) | EARTH,WIND&FIRE参加アルバム | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする
実はJonathan Butlerのリーダーアルバムとしてもコレクターアイテムなんだよね。
UrbanKnightsは次の3rd以降Ramsey Lewis、Frayne Lewis、Kevin Randolphを中心としたプロジェクトになって行く。
Posted by 3gatudo at 2009年03月25日 02:29
Sonny Eはメンバーだし・・・Jonathan Butlerのボーカルもこれほどのメンバーの中でもとっても素敵に響きました。このアルバム大好きです!
Posted by Kaolu at 2009年03月25日 14:46



